Active projects and challenges as of 19.11.2024 09:24.
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#ODAdvent #1
The locations of all the smiley speed signs in Basel
Um den Weihnachtsmann noch zu überzeugen, dass du lieb und brav warst: Hier findest du die Standorte der Smiley-Geschwindigkeitsanzeigen. Halte dich an die Geschwindigkeitsbegrenzung und hol dir die grünen Smileys!
Pour convaincre encore le Père Noël que tu as été gentil et sage : tu trouveras ici les emplacements des indicateurs de vitesse à smiley. Respecte les limites de vitesse et obtiens les smileys verts!
Per convincere Babbo Natale che sei stato buono e gentile: ecco la posizione dei cartelli di velocità con gli smiley. Rispetta i limiti di velocità e ottieni gli smiley verdi!
To convince Father Christmas that you've been good and kind: Here are the locations of the smiley speed signs. Stick to the speed limit and get the green smileys!
⭐⭐⭐ Visit our Forum to take a short quiz!
Image: SRF News

#ODAdvent #2
Find SBB properties all over Switzerland, take a short quiz
Die SBB hat in der ganzen Schweiz Grundstücke. Auf unsere Karte findest du sie alle.
Les CFF ont des terrains dans toute la Suisse. Tu les trouveras tous sur notre carte.
Le FFS hanno proprietà in tutta la Svizzera. Puoi trovarle tutte sulla nostra mappa.
SBB has properties all over Switzerland. You can find them all on our map.
Can you switch to the satellite map and spot these areas?
This lake is the largest single property by area. Can you find it in the data?
This one, at over 13 km, is the longest ......... (hint: the answer's in the name!)
The SBB owns the land this house is on, but it's not in Switzerland! (Photo: CC BY-SA 4.0 NAC - Wikipedia)
See also SBB Immobilien and SBB History.

#ODAdvent #3
Electricity consumption in the canton of Basel-Stadt
Die Weihnachtsbeleuchtung bedeutet auch mehr Strom! 🌟 Erfahre hier, in welchen Monaten der Stromverbrauch im Kanton Basel-Stadt besonders ansteigt.
Les illuminations de Noël signifient aussi plus d'électricité ! 🌟 Découvre ici quels sont les mois où la consommation d'électricité augmente le plus dans le canton de Bâle-Ville.
Le luci di Natale significano anche più elettricità! 🌟 Scopri qui quali sono i mesi in cui il consumo di elettricità aumenta in modo particolare nel Cantone di Basilea Città.
Christmas lights also mean more electricity! 🌟 Find out here in which months electricity consumption rises particularly sharply in the canton of Basel-Stadt.
Photo: Münsterplatz Basel 2020 - MarikoUG, CC BY-SA 4.0 via Wikimedia Commons
#ODAdvent #4
The locations of toy shops around Switzerland
Über die Tradition des Schenkens, die Suche nach Spielzeugdaten und eine Karte, mit der du den Weg zu spielerischen Geschenken in der Weihnachtszeit findest.
À propos de la tradition du don, de la recherche de données sur les jouets et d'une carte pour te guider vers des cadeaux ludiques pendant la période de Noël.
Sulla tradizione dei regali, sulla ricerca delle date dei giocattoli e su una mappa che ti aiuterà a trovare la strada per i regali giocosi in questo periodo di festa.
About the tradition of gift-giving, searching for toy dates and a map to help you find your way to playful presents this festive season.
Image: Thomas Pressmann/SRF in a 2016 reportage on Suisse Toy
PS. if you are a student and would like to learn to make shiny things with data and maps, consider joining the Data Design + Art (HSLU) or similar program!
Swiss Toy Shops
A dataset of the locations of toy shops around Switzerland.
Last update: 3.12.2023
- CSV:
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License: Open Database License (ODbL)
OpenStreetMap data was exported with a Nominatim query into QGIS, cropped with swiss-maps to country borders, visualized and exported to GeoJSON and CSV formats.
On the tradition of gift-giving, the search for toy data, and a map for finding your way to playful presents during the holiday season.
Winter festivities are associated in our culture with gift-giving and families, a long standing European tradition - at least 200 years old, according to historians (see Wachelder 2013). This winter, millions of children will hope to find shiny toys in a sock or underneath a tree. We may well ask, where do the toys come from? And as this is an Open Data Advent, we of course would like to ask the question with data.
In 2023, the main open data portals in Switzerland do not have many answers. The only dataset that is directly related to toys that we could find, the "Special Collections" of the Swiss National Museum (Repräsentative Auswahl aus der Sammlung „Spezialsammlungen“ des Schweizerischen Nationalmuseums"). This was among the collections presented at our 2018 Open Cultural Data Hackathon. It contains pictures and references to a museum collection of toys: not really the kind of thing we imagine kids getting excited about.
Points of interest
So, where could we find toys? Oh, sure .. toy shops. A quick query of the shop=toys tag on OpenStreetMap gave us the data for over 200 locations in Switzerland that, apparently, sell toys. We are not sure if they are fit for children or for work, but there you have it - a highly accessible bit of open data that might just help you find that last minute present for your loved one!
Once we know the tag, we can export the data with a Nominatim query, that lets us download a GeoJSON file and open it in a program like QGIS. There were actually over 700 items, since the bounding box was larger than Switzerland. We an use the swiss-maps tool to download just the polygon of the country's borders, at which point the QGIS crop tool (Vector > Geoprocessing > Clip) to filter out just the locations we need for the map. The result:
If you would like to get a copy of just the dataset, you can get it from a GitHub Gist in GeoJSON or CSV format. Please note that it is under the Open Database License (ODbL).
Looking further
As a fun exercise, you could try to do the same thing with the shop=robot tag 🤖
Have we really answered the question, though? These are shops - not factories, not workshops. The closest tag we could think of was craft=toys, however there were no results at all in Switzerland.
The dataset 21st Century Swiss video games contains some potential stocking-stuffers, but is also not related to toys and their production.
Did you know?
By the way, it is a fun thing to note that the French term for dataset literally means a "play of data" - Jeu de données. So every time you do a search on Open Data in French, you are looking for games ;-)
More data
With further searching of the 'net, we came across the Spielwarenverband, or Toy manufacturer's association of Switzerland. On their website, you can find a convenient download page with an exportable list of dozens of manufacturers from around the country. If you click around, you will even find a CSV format option. On their newsroom section you can also find lots of insightful statistics about the toy-making industry. However, as their Copyright notice asserts, the association expressly forbids making use of this data without their consent (auto-translation):
The copyright and all other rights to content, images, photos or other files on this website belong exclusively to the legal entity Spielwaren Verband Schweiz or the specifically named rights holders. The written consent of the copyright holder must be obtained in advance for the reproduction of any elements.
How to contribute
- Create an account at OpenStreetMap and follow the instructions to add more shops to the map and tag them appropriately. Then ping @loleg to update this dataset.
- Look for more sources of toy shop data, such as the Phone book or a search engine.
- Try to convince the Toy association to open things up a notch. You know, for kids!

#ODAdvent #5
Guidelines for Open Government Data in Switzerland
Ein Grund zum Feiern: Der Masterplan OGD 2024-2027 wurde verabschiedet! Er definiert 5 Leitlinien für Open Government Data in 🇨🇭: Verfügbarkeit, Qualität der (Metadaten), Infrastruktur, Synergien zwischen Bereichen und Austausch zwischen Anbietern und Nutzern von OGD.
Une raison de se réjouir : le plan directeur OGD 2024-2027 a été adopté ! Il définit 5 lignes directrices pour l'Open Government Data dans 🇨🇭 : la disponibilité, la qualité de (métadonnées), l'infrastructure, les synergies entre les domaines et les échanges entre les fournisseurs et les utilisateurs d'OGD.
Un motivo per festeggiare: il Masterplan OGD 2024-2027 è stato adottato! Il Plan definisce 5 linee guida per gli Open Government Data in 🇨🇭: disponibilità, qualità dei (metadati), infrastrutture, sinergie tra aree e scambio tra fornitori e utenti di OGD.
A reason to celebrate: the OGD Masterplan 2024-2027 has been adopted! It defines 5 guidelines for Open Government Data in 🇨🇭: availability, quality of (metadata), infrastructure, synergies between areas and exchange between providers and users of OGD.
The document is available from BFS in German and in French. You can also read the English and Italian press releases of the Federal Council, and get an English machine translation (DeepL Pro) here.
See also the Evaluation of the Open-Government-Data-Strategy 2019–2023 auf Deutsch / en Français, which mentions the role the OGD community, and associations like, are playing in the development of open data in Switzerland. A summary workshop was presented at this year's Forum.
🎉 Celebrate, and send in your critical observations and questions at

#ODAdvent #6
Dataset on daily sunshine duration at the Basel/Binnigen weather station
Wie wäre es mit einer Reise in den Süden als Geschenksidee für dich und deine Liebsten? Dieser Datensatz zur täglichen Sonnenscheindauer an der Messstation Basel/Binnigen könnte dich überzeugen.
Que diriez-vous d'un voyage dans le sud comme idée de cadeau pour vous et vos proches? Cet ensemble de données sur la durée d'ensoleillement journalier à la station de mesure de Bâle/Binnigen pourrait vous convaincre.
Che ne dite di un viaggio al sud come idea regalo per voi e i vostri cari? Questa serie di dati sulla durata giornaliera del sole nella stazione di misurazione di Basilea/Binnigen potrebbe convincervi.
How about a trip to the south as a gift idea for you and your loved ones? This data set on daily sunshine duration at the Basel/Binnigen measuring station might convince you.

#ODAdvent #7
Historical photos from swisstopo as a free gift idea 🎄
Historische Fotos von swisstopo als kostenlose Geschenkidee 🎄
🔎 Lieblingsfoto auswählen ⬇️ herunterladen 🖨️ ausdrucken 🖼️ einrahmen ... 🎁 … und fertig ist das perfekte Weihnachtsgeschenk!
Photos historiques de swisstopo comme idée de cadeau gratuit 🎄
🔎 choisir sa photo préférée ⬇️ télécharger 🖨️ imprimer 🖼️ encadrer ... 🎁 ... et voilà le cadeau de Noël parfait !
Foto storiche di swisstopo come idea regalo 🎄
🔎 Seleziona la foto preferita ⬇️ Scarica 🖨️ Stampa 🖼️ Incornicia... 🎁 ... e il regalo di Natale perfetto è pronto!
Historical photos from swisstopo as a free gift idea 🎄
🔎 Select your favourite photo ⬇️ Click Download 🖨️ Print it out 🖼️ Frame it ... 🎁 ... and the perfect Christmas present is ready!
Screenshot of the image selection tool

#ODAdvent #8
Swiss political campaign donations as open data
Im Wahljahr 2023 stehen Wahlkampfspenden als Open Data im Fokus. Wer bezahlt meine Politik? Und wie viel Geld ist hier eigentlich im Spiel? Hol dir die Daten.
En cette année électorale 2023, les dons de campagne en forme de l'open data sont sous les feux de la rampe. Qui paie ma politique ? Et combien d'argent est réellement en jeu ici ? Obtiens les données!
In occasione delle elezioni del 2023, l'attenzione si concentra sulle donazioni elettorali per i dati aperti. Chi paga la mia politica? E quanto denaro è effettivamente coinvolto? Ottieni i dati.
In the 2023 election year, the focus is on campaign donations as open data. Who pays for my politics? And how much money is actually involved? Get the data! ~ Newsletter ~ wemakeit ~ X/Twitter ~ Instagram
«Das Geld und die Politik» ist eine Kooperation vom WAV Recherchekollektiv, Lobbywatch, und Das Projekt wird unterstützt von der Stiftung Mercator Schweiz, der Gottlieb und Hans Vogt-Stiftung sowie der Oertli-Stiftung .
Geld in der Schweizer Politik? Plakatkampagnen, Massenversände, Social-Media. Politik ist teuer. Die Schweiz kennt keine staatliche Parteienfinanzierung. Die Politik ist daher ganz auf private Spenden angewiesen. Und wes Brot ich ess, des Lied ich sing -- oder wie war das nochmals?
Aber über Geld spricht man doch nicht? Genau, lange Zeit war Geld in der Politik ein Tabu. Doch neu müssen politische Akteur:innen auf nationaler Ebene ihre Finanzen zumindest teilweise offenlegen. Ein Meilenstein. Die Daten werden auf der Seite der Eidgenössischen Finanzkontrolle aufgeschaltet.
Wo ist jetzt das Problem? Die veröffentlichten Finanzierungsdaten sind ohne Aufbereitung und Hintergrundrecherche nur schwer interpretierbar. Die Daten sind nicht bereinigt, nicht durchsuchbar, nicht visualisierbar. Und nach fünf Jahren verschwinden sie ins Bundesarchiv. So steht es im Gesetz.
Also? Das ändern wir. Wir nehmen die Budgets und Abrechnungen der politischen Akteur:innen, bereiten sie auf, machen sie einfach durchsuchbar und geben ihnen den nötigen Kontext.
das Geld + die Politik ist ein zugängliches, langfristig angelegtes Onlinetool: Mit nur wenigen Klicks kann jede:r selbst nachschauen, wer mit wie viel Geld politisiert, und wo das herkommt. Man kann Wahlkampfbudgets der Kandidierenden für das Parlament durchstöbern, die Kampagnengelder von Verbänden studieren oder die Ausgaben von Parteien vergleichen.
Und für wen? Für alle. Für Journalist:innen auf Lokalredaktionen. Für Wähler:innen vor Wahlen und Abstimmungen. Für NGOs. Für die Wissenschaft. das Geld + die Politik ist kostenlos, für alle Nutzer:innen frei zugänglich.
Wer steckt dahinter? das Geld + die Politik ist eine Kooperation vom WAV Recherchekollektiv, der Transparenzplattform Lobbywatch, dem Rercherchenetzwerk sowie
Das Projekt wird unterstützt von der Stiftung Mercator Schweiz, der Gottlieb und Hans Vogt Stiftung sowie der Oertli-Stiftung.
Das Geld + die Politik (folgend GuP) basiert auf den Daten zur Politikfinanzierung der EFK (folgend EFK-Daten). GuP verändert die Daten nicht inhaltlich, sondern korrigiert höchsten (nach Treu und Glauben) Rechtschreibfehler. Die EFK hat (gemäss eigener Aussage) kein Mandat, Rechtschreibfehler zu korrigieren, ausser beim Namen des*der Akteur:in, die eine Offenlegung deklariert. GuP ist daher nicht für den Inhalt der EFK-Daten verantwortlich.
Die EFK-Daten basieren auf drei Grund-Akteuren: 1. Akteur:innen (Personen, die Kampagne führen). 2. Kandidat:innen (Personen, die von Kampagne profitieren). Und 3. Zuwender:innen (Personen, die eine Zuwendung an eine Kampagne machen). GuP hat diese drei Grund-Akteur:innen miteinander verbunden.
Bei unterschiedlichen Schreibweisen innerhalb der deklarierten Daten und zwischen deklarierten Daten und den Schreibweisen der «Listen und Kandidaturen Nationalratswahlen 2023» des Bundesamts für Statistik (Stand 25.09.2023), sowie des Parteienregisters der Bundeskanzlei (Stand 25.09.2023) ist GuP wie folgt vorgegangen:
Bei Parteien: Bei den Parteien hatte das Parteienregisters der BK Vorrang. Dabei wurde der Vollständigkeit halber für alle Parteien im Parteienregister der BK pro Kanton eine Kantonale Sektion erstellt, auch wenn diese nicht in der Realität nicht aktiv sein mag. Die PdA ist z. B. in GR nicht aktiv. Kleinstparteien und Regionalparteien wurden anhand der Listen der BFS erstellt.
Bei Zuwender:innen muss jeweils nur die Wohnsitzgemeinde (bei natürlichen Personen) respektive der Geschäftssitz (bei juristischen Personen) angegeben werden. Dies verunmöglicht eine hundertprozentige Zuweisung von Zuwender:innen zu Akteur:innen oder Kandidat:innen. Fehlverknüpfungen wurden nach Möglichkeiten verhindert, können aber nicht ausgeschlossen werden. GuP ist um alle Hinweise Dankbar.

Hadi - CC0 - Wikimedia Commons

#ODAdvent #9
Improving data on the accessibility of public transport
Für ca. 20% der Menschen in der Schweiz sind leider noch nicht alle Orte barrierefrei zugänglich. Damit Menschen mit Behinderungen ihre Reise selbständig planen können, brauchen sie zuverlässige und standardisierte Informationen. Wir möchten hierzu einen Beitrag leisten und euch folgende Datensätze und Links zur Verfügung zu stellen:
- Rohdaten zu Barrierefreiheit der öV-Haltepunkte:
- Gesetzliche Rahmenbedingungen:
- Anwendungen:, und
Ist barrierefreies Reisen für euch auch ein Herzensthema? Oder habt ihr noch weitere kreative Ideen für die Verwendung dieser Datensätze?
Pour environ 20% des personnes en Suisse, tous les lieux ne sont malheureusement pas encore accessibles. Pour que les personnes handicapées puissent planifier leur voyage de manière autonome, elles ont besoin d'informations fiables et standardisées. Nous souhaitons y contribuer en mettant à ta disposition les jeux de données et les liens suivants:
- Données brutes sur l'accessibilité des points d'arrêt des transports publics :
- Cadre légal :
- Applications :, et
Les voyages accessibles sont-ils aussi un sujet qui te tient à cœur ? Ou as-tu d'autres idées créatives pour l'utilisation de ces jeux de données ?
Purtroppo non tutti i luoghi sono accessibili per circa il 20% delle persone in Svizzera. Le persone con disabilità hanno bisogno di informazioni affidabili e standardizzate per poter pianificare il loro viaggio in modo indipendente. Vorremmo contribuire a questo obiettivo fornendoti i seguenti set di dati e link:
- Dati grezzi sull'accessibilità delle fermate del trasporto pubblico:
- Condizioni quadro legali:
- Applicazioni:, e
Anche i viaggi senza barriere sono un argomento che ti sta a cuore? Oppure hai altre idee creative per utilizzare questi set di dati?
Unfortunately, not all places are accessible for around 20% of people in Switzerland. People with disabilities need reliable and standardised information so that they can plan their trip independently. We would like to contribute to this by providing you with the following data sets and links:
- Raw data on the accessibility of public transport stops:
- Legal framework conditions:
- Applications:, and
Is barrier-free travel also a topic close to your heart? Or do you have any other creative ideas for using these data sets?
Image: Shioyama-senpai, Public domain, Wikimedia Commons

#ODAdvent #10
parlerStadtparlament by Marlen, Raquel, Beat, Orhan, Till, Tobias & Simon
Mit welchen Themen beschäftigt sich eigentlich das St.Galler Stadtparlament? Dieser Frage ist eine Gruppe beim Open Data Hack St.Gallen (Results) nachgegangen, welche damit den ersten Gesamtpreis und den Most creative Preis gewonnen haben. Als Grundlage diente der Datensatz zu den traktandierten Geschäften: Traktandierte Geschäfte in Sitzungen des Stadtparlaments St.Gallen (RIS - Ratsinformationssytem). Die Ergebnisse der Gruppe sind hier zu finden: parlerStadtparlament - Open Data Hack St.Gallen
De quels sujets s'occupe le parlement de la ville de St-Gall ? Un groupe s'est penché sur cette question lors de l'Open Data Hack St.Gallen (Résultats), remportant ainsi le premier prix général et le prix Most creative. Ils se sont basés sur le jeu de données des affaires inscrites à l'ordre du jour : Affaires inscrites à l'ordre du jour des séances du parlement de la ville de St-Gall (RIS - Ratsinformationssytem). Les résultats du groupe sont disponibles ici: parlerStadtparlament - Open Data Hack St.Gallen
Di quali argomenti si occupa effettivamente il parlamento della città di San Gallo? Questa domanda è stata indagata da un gruppo di lavoro dell'Open Data Hack St.Gallen (Risultati), che si è aggiudicato il primo premio assoluto e il premio più creativo. La base di partenza è stata la serie di dati relativi ai punti all'ordine del giorno: i punti all'ordine del giorno delle riunioni del Parlamento della città di San Gallo (RIS - Council Information System). I risultati del gruppo sono disponibili qui: parlerStadtparlament - Open Data Hack St.Gallen
What topics does the St.Gallen city parliament actually deal with? This question was researched by a group at Open Data Hack St.Gallen (Results), which won the first overall prize and the most creative prize. The dataset for the items on the agenda (RIS - Council Information System) served as the basis. The results of the group's work can be found here: parlerStadtparlament - Open Data Hack St.Gallen
Check out all the projects or download data of last week's event:
#ODAdvent #11
New datasets from the Sports Office of the Canton of Thurgau
Pünktlich zur Adventszeit gibt bei Open Data Kanton Thurgau ein weiteres Amt, welches erstmalig OGD veröffentlicht 🎉 Jetzt die neuen Datensätze des Sportamtes des Kanton Thurgau erkunden!
Juste à temps pour la période de l'Avent, Open Data Canton de Thurgovie accueille un autre office qui publie OGD pour la première fois 🎉 Explore maintenant les nouveaux jeux de données de l'Office des sports du canton de Thurgovie!
Giusto in tempo per il periodo dell'Avvento, Open Data Kanton Thurgau ha un altro ufficio che pubblica OGD per la prima volta 🎉 Esplora i nuovi dataset dell'Ufficio dello Sport del Cantone di Thurgau ora!
Just in time for the Advent season, Open Data Kanton Thurgau has another office that is publishing OGD for the first time 🎉 Explore the new datasets of the Sports Office of the Canton of Thurgau now!
🧑💻 Tip via Felix Lorenz: With starter codes you can now easily use the #OGD of the Canton of Thurgau. R and Python notebooks and R Markdown files that you can use to get started right away can be found here:
ID | Title (abbreviated to 200 chars) | Python Colab | R Colab | Python Github | R Github | RMarkdown |
dek-spa-1 | Jugend+Sport: Teilnehmende, Leitpersonen und Gesamtauszahlungen | Python Github | R Github | RMarkdown |
Bild: Kanton Thurgau

#ODAdvent #12
Climate baselines from MeteoSwiss
Heute endet die 28. Klimakonferenz #COP28 der United Nations. Für die Schweiz stellt das Federal Office of Meteorology and Climatology 👉 MeteoSwiss Klimagrundlagen bereit und macht bis 2026 ihre Daten als Open Data verfügbar. Schau Dir an, welche Daten MeteoSwiss als OGD vorbereitet, und teile Deine Fragen und Bedürfnisse mit dem 👉Umsetzungs-Team.
C'est aujourd'hui que se termine la 28e conférence sur le climat #COP28 des Nations Unies. Pour la Suisse, le Federal Office of Meteorology and Climatology 👉 MeteoSwiss prépare des bases climatiques et rend ses données disponibles en Open Data jusqu'en 2026. Regarde quelles données MeteoSwiss prépare en tant qu'OGD et partage tes questions et besoins avec l'👉équipe de mise en œuvre.
La 28a Conferenza delle Nazioni Unite sui Cambiamenti Climatici #COP28 termina oggi Per la Svizzera, l'Ufficio Federale di Meteorologia e Climatologia 👉 MeteoSvizzera fornisce dati di riferimento sul clima e renderà disponibili i suoi dati come Open Data entro il 2026. Dai un'occhiata ai dati che MeteoSvizzera sta preparando come OGD e condividi le tue domande e le tue esigenze con il 👉team di implementazione.
The 28th United Nations Climate Change Conference #COP28 ends today For Switzerland, the Federal Office of Meteorology and Climatology 👉 MeteoSwiss provides climate baselines and will make its data available as Open Data by 2026. Take a look at which data MeteoSwiss is preparing as OGD and share your questions and needs with the 👉Implementation team.
💡 See also a fresh discussion of published and upcoming Climate Scenarios at 🌍📈
A selection of climate datasets:

#ODAdvent #13
Opening data on the gender gap
Ein harter, ehrlicher Blick in den Spiegel ist die Grundlage für eine nachhaltige, zukunftsorientierte Gesellschaft. Heute, da entschieden wird, wer an der Spitze der politischen Pyramide in der Schweiz steht, möchten wir die Arbeit von Forscher/innen und Journalist/innen, Unternehmen und Non-Profit-Organisationen hervorheben, die sich für die Gleichstellung und für Gender Data einsetzen.
Un regard dur et honnête dans le miroir est le fondement d'une société durable et tournée vers l'avenir. Aujourd'hui, alors que l'on décide qui se trouve au sommet de la pyramide politique en Suisse, nous souhaitons mettre en lumière le travail des chercheurs et des journalistes, des entreprises et des organisations à but non lucratif qui s'efforcent de combler l'écart entre les données sur les hommes et les femmes.
Guardarsi allo specchio con onestà è il fondamento di una società sostenibile e orientata al futuro. Oggi, mentre si decide chi siederà al vertice della piramide politica in Svizzera, vorremmo sottolineare il lavoro di ricercatori e giornalisti, aziende e organizzazioni no-profit che lavorano per colmare il divario tra i dati di genere.
A hard & honest look in the mirror is the foundation of a sustainable, future-oriented society. Today, as it is decided who stands at the top of the political pyramid in Switzerland, we would like to highlight the work of researchers and journalists, businesses and non-profits working to close the gender data gap.
If you Mind the gap:
- 🧗 Share knowledge at
- 👓 Collect more open data in this github repo
- 📔 Read Invisible Women: Exposing Data Bias in a World Designed for Men by Caroline Criado Perez
The photo in the header (CC BY 4.0 Oleg Lavrovsky) is of a poster at the Effinger Kaffeebar & Coworking Space, crowdsourcing stories of inspiring feminist leadership.
This is a Data Package made with the Open Data Application, started as part of the Open Data Advent Calendar 2023.
We are collecting sample datasets and links on gender inequality and gender (mis)representation here. You are welcome to suggest others in the Issues, or upload your own files into the [data/] folder, update this README with another section, and start a Pull Request.
This is a crowdsourced dataset representing the difference in salaries between common jobs in Switzerland. Neithe we nor its authors make any claims of accuracy or representativeness. There is currently no indication on the data source website that the data is protected by copyright, or may be redistributed under a certain license - and we will update this notice when we get their response.
Copy and paste the data from, apply some regular expressions to clean it up, and paste it into a spreadsheet. There does not seem to be a way at the moment to export the data, and no automated process to scrape the data exists at the moment.
Please get permission from for using this data for any purposes non-commercial, commercial, or otherwise.
Here is an example visualization of the top 10 male and top 10 female discrepancies:
Download the chart in English or German here.
This Data Package - which includes the metadata, but not necessarily any data redistributed along with it - is made available by its maintainers @loleg and @viktoria-molnar under the ODC Open Database License (ODbL), a copy of the full text of which is in
In the spirit of community and love to your fellow humankind.

#ODAdvent #14
Creative Christmas greetings from the Zurich Statistical Office
Die Anwendungsgebiete von Open Data sind ja bekanntlich unendlich. Bei unseren Kollegen Statistikamt Zürich ist es bereits zur Gepflogenheit geworden, daraus jedes Jahr die kreativsten Weihnachtsgrüsse zu erstellen. Auch dieses Jahr wieder!
Les domaines d'application de l'Open Data sont infinis, c'est bien connu. Chez nos collègues de l'Office des statistiques de Zurich, c'est déjà devenu une habitude d'en faire chaque année les vœux de Noël les plus créatifs. Cette année encore! (en Allemand)
Come tutti sappiamo, le aree di applicazione degli open data sono infinite. Nostri colleghi dell'Ufficio Statistico di Zurigo è già diventata una consuetudine creare ogni anno gli auguri di Natale più creativi a partire da questi dati. Anche quest'anno! (in tedesco)
As we all know, the areas of application for open data are endless. Our colleagues at the Zurich Statistical Office have already made a habit of creating the most creative Christmas greetings from it every year. This year again! (in German)

#ODAdvent #15
2023 was an eventful year for - here come the stats!
2023 war ein ereignisreiches Jahr für, mit 16 neuen Organisationen, über 10'000 Datensätze publiziert, der neue OGD Masterplan, 2. Version des DCAT-AP CH und zahlreiche Veranstaltungen und vieles mehr - in 2024 geht es weiter!
2023 a été une année riche en événements pour, avec 16 nouvelles organisations, plus de 10 000 jeux de données publiés, le nouveau plan directeur OGD, la 2e version du DCAT-AP CH et de nombreux événements et bien plus encore - en 2024, ça continue!
Il 2023 è stato un anno ricco di eventi per, con 16 nuove organizzazioni, oltre 10.000 set di dati pubblicati, il nuovo Masterplan OGD, la seconda versione del DCAT-AP CH e numerosi eventi e molto altro ancora - continua nel 2024!
2023 was an eventful year for, with 16 new organisations, over 10,000 datasets published, the new OGD Masterplan, 2nd version of the DCAT-AP CH and numerous events and much more - it continues in 2024!
We made the quick visualization to show the cumulative publication counts of the different political levels over time. For details and sources visit the repository:
In other news, the Swiss Federal Council just opened a consultation on the new Federal Statistics Ordinance:
15.12.2023 - At its meeting on 15 December 2023, the Federal Council opened the consultation on the new Ordinance on Federal Statistics. This regulates the activities of all federal statistics producers, in particular the conduct of surveys and interviews, the processing and use of data for statistical purposes and the various services in the field of data science and artificial intelligence.

#ODAdvent #16
Help us to collect data and support hackathon project teams
In diesem Jahr gab es in der Schweiz mehr Hackathons als je zuvor, mit grossen Auswirkungen auf den Erfolg von Open Government Data im ganzen Land! Hilf uns, die Community bei der Archivierung zu unterstützen: Eine neue Challenge wartet auf hier.
Cette année, il y a eu plus de hackathons que jamais en Suisse, avec de grandes répercussions sur le succès de l'Open Government Data dans tout le pays ! Aide-nous à soutenir la communauté dans l'archivage : Un nouveau défi t'attend ici.
Quest'anno in Svizzera ci sono stati più hackathon che mai, con un grande impatto sul successo degli Open Government Data in tutto il paese! Aiutaci a sostenere la comunità nell'archiviazione: Una nuova sfida ti aspetta qui.
There were more hackathons than ever this year in Switzerland, generating feedback loops and a reuse of Open Government Data - help us to support the community with archival efforts: a fresh Challenge is waiting for you behind today's Advent Calendar door.
As you can see in Google Trends, the topics of Open Data and Hackathons are closely aligned in search queries.
We are exporting the data of our community events to an open data package. Today we are updating it with fresh data from 2023 events. In the GitHub Issues page we are looking for your suggestions for improving this dataset and putting it to use. Some ideas are from an initial meeting with hackathon organizers at Hack:Org:X v.1, e.g.:
- Talking to & BAR about preservation of this dataset on OGD platforms
- Ask some probing data question, like which topics/challenges are more/less sustained
- See which hackathon challenges echo across a series of events ...
A collage of people at this year's hackathons (CC BY 4.0)
The collected results of Hackdays and community sprints.
We are grateful for all the contributions made by our community over the years, and would like to use this dataset to acknowledge the impact of your work.
This is a Data Package created from data exported using the Dribdat API.
Inside the root folder you can find scripts used to generate the data files, and a datapackage.json
used for quality control.
Please check the Issues, leave us any questions there or in our forum.
All contents licensed CC Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International, unless otherwise stated.

#ODAdvent #17
Bald werden wir mehrere freie Tage geniessen, plane sie sorgfältig mit Daten über POIS (Points of Interest). Egal ob du dich entspannen, Sehenswürdigkeiten besichtigen oder einkaufen willst, hier findest du die Daten
Très bientôt, nous profiterons de plusieurs jours de congé, planifie-les soigneusement avec des données sur les POIS (Points of Interest). Que tu veuilles te détendre, visiter des sites touristiques ou faire du shopping, tu trouveras les dates ici:
Presto ci godremo diversi giorni di vacanza, pianificali con attenzione grazie ai dati sui POIS (Punti di Interesse). Che tu voglia rilassarti, visitare la città o fare shopping, qui troverai le date giuste
Soon we will be enjoying several days off, plan them carefully with data on POIS (Points of Interest). Whether you want to relax, sightsee or shop, you'll find the data here:
Besides open datasets, you can find ongoing analytics projects on the portal:
The trendline and map from the Dashboard of Economic Key Figures shows how and where investments in Swiss tourism go.
The Supplementary Accommodation Statistics visualize BFS data to show how the Swiss regions differ in occupancy rates. Can you imagine how much life in Swiss villages has changed over the past 100 years due to the influx of tourism?
Adelboden, Pfasshaus und Kirche - Swiss National Library, GS-GUGE-WEIBEL-D-4 (Public Domain) via Wikimedia Commons

#ODAdvent #18
Ideas that help on the move with APIs
Schneechaos, Verspätung, technische Störung oder sogar Zugausfall – wer kennt es leider nicht! Damit die Fahrgastinformation im öffentlichen Verkehr in solchen Fällen reibungslos funktioniert, sorgt die Schnittstelle SIRI-SX / VDV736 dafür, dass die Fahrgäste zeitnah und flächendeckend informiert werden. Welche Anwendungsideen habt ihr noch?
- Hier könnt ihr unsere API kostenlos beziehen:
- Ein Beispiel für die Nutzung des Services findet ihr ausserdem hier:
Chute de neige, retard, incident technique ou même annulation de train - qui ne connaît malheureusement pas cela! Pour que l'information des passagers dans les transports publics fonctionne sans problème dans de tels cas, l'interface SIRI-SX / VDV736 veille à ce que les passagers soient informés en temps voulu et sur l'ensemble du territoire. Quelles autres idées d'application as-tu ?
- Tu peux obtenir notre API gratuitement ici :
- Tu trouveras également un exemple d'utilisation du service ici :
Caos neve, ritardi, guasti tecnici o addirittura cancellazioni di treni - chi non ci è mai passato! Per garantire che le informazioni ai passeggeri nel trasporto pubblico funzionino senza problemi in questi casi, l'interfaccia SIRI-SX / VDV736 assicura che i passeggeri siano informati in modo tempestivo e completo. Quali altre idee di applicazione avete?
- Puoi ottenere gratuitamente la nostra API qui:
- Puoi anche trovare un esempio di utilizzo del servizio qui:
Snow chaos, delays, technical faults or even train cancellations - unfortunately, who hasn't experienced this? To ensure that passenger information in public transport works smoothly in such cases, the SIRI-SX / VDV736 interface ensures that passengers are informed promptly and comprehensively. What other application ideas do you have?
- You can obtain our API free of charge here:
- You can also find an example of how to use the service here:
Image courtesy of
SIRI SX Situation Monitor
This repo contains the tools and applications used for Service Interface for Real Time Information development.

#ODAdvent #19
An outlook on electricity prices in the new year
Weihnachten und das Jahr 2024 nähern sich. Zeit für einen Ausblick auf die Strompreise im neuen Jahr. ⚡💸 Basierend auf den Daten von ElCom in LINDAS hat @ogd_BL ein Dashboard für den Kanton Basel-Landschaft veröffentlicht.
Noël et l'année 2024 approchent. Il est temps de faire le point sur les prix de l'électricité pour la nouvelle année. ⚡💸 En se basant sur les données de l'ElCom dans LINDAS, @ogd_BL a publié un tableau de bord pour le canton de Bâle-Campagne.
Il Natale e l'anno 2024 si avvicinano. È tempo di fare una previsione sui prezzi dell'elettricità nel nuovo anno. ⚡💸 Sulla base dei dati di ElCom in LINDAS, @ogd_BL ha pubblicato un cruscotto per il cantone di Basilea Campagna.
Christmas and the year 2024 are approaching. Time for an outlook on electricity prices in the new year. ⚡💸 Based on the data from ElCom in LINDAS, @ogd_BL has published a dashboard for the canton of Basel-Landschaft.
- Ersatz der Elektroheizung in Wohnbauten (PDF) - BFE / energieschweiz
- Energieeffizient und erneuerbar Heizen - energieschweiz
- Abschied von der Elektroheizung - Fachstellen für Energie und Umwelt

#ODAdvent #20
Data opens doors to reciprocity in mental health
Es ist eine alte Weisheit, dass das Jahresende für viele mit erhöhtem Stress und Ängsten einhergeht - ein Grund mehr, besonders freundlich und nachsichtig mit uns selbst und den anderen zu sein, während wir die jahreszeitlichen Rituale und Festlichkeiten vorbereiten. Was können wir aus den Daten lernen, und wo wird es schwierig, in all den Informationen zu schwimmen? Wir bitten Dich mit einem kurzen Fragebogen einzubringen. Und wir geben einen kurzen Überblick über Organisationen, Datensätze und aktuelle Literatur in Erwartung eines neuen Jahres und mutiger neuer Herausforderungen im Bereich der psychischen Gesundheit.
C'est une vieille sagesse que la fin de l'année s'accompagne pour beaucoup d'un stress et d'une anxiété accrus - une raison de plus pour être particulièrement gentil et indulgent avec nous-mêmes et les autres pendant que nous préparons les rituels et les festivités saisonniers. Que pouvons-nous apprendre de ces données, et où devient-il difficile de nager dans toutes ces informations ? Nous te demandons de participer avec un petit questionnaire. Et nous donnons un bref aperçu des organisations, des ensembles de données et de la littérature actuelle en prévision d'une nouvelle année et de nouveaux défis courageux dans le domaine de la santé mentale.
È una vecchia saggezza che la fine dell'anno comporti un aumento dello stress e dell'ansia per molti: un motivo in più per essere più gentili e indulgenti con noi stessi e con gli altri mentre ci prepariamo ai rituali e alle festività stagionali. Cosa possiamo imparare dai dati e dove diventa difficile nuotare tra tutte le informazioni? Ti chiediamo di contribuire con un breve questionario. Inoltre, forniremo una breve panoramica delle organizzazioni, dei set di dati e della letteratura attuale in previsione di un nuovo anno e di nuove audaci sfide nel campo della salute mentale.
It is common wisdom that the end of the year coincides for many with increased levels of stress and anxiety - all the more reason to be extra kind and forgiving to ourselves and one another as we prepare the seasonal rites and festivities. What can we learn from the data, and where does it become a struggle to swim in all the information? We ask you - our community - to weigh in with a short questionnaire. And we share a brief overview of organizations, datasets, and current literature in anticipation of a new year, and brave new challenges in the domain of mental health.
Nubian houses by Summering2018 (CC BY-SA 4.0) - featured on Wikimedia Commons
Mental Health challenge
Opening data on issues of access to psychiatric support and factors of mental well-being
[Challenge Statement generated with help from GPT-3.5]
Our challenge today is to help open up data on issues of access to psychiatric support and factors of mental well-being. The long-term goal is to create a platform that provides valuable insights and resources for improving mental health outcomes and reducing disparities in access to psychiatric support.
If we start with a prototype, we should think of designs that empower individuals, professionals, and policymakers with data-driven insights, enabling them to make informed decisions and take targeted actions to enhance mental well-being and improve access to psychiatric support. Here are some ideas for directions in which such prototypes could be developed at a hackathon:
- Data Collection: Gather data on various factors related to mental well-being, such as demographics, socioeconomic status, mental health diagnoses, treatment options, accessibility to psychiatric support, and existing support services. Collaborate with mental health institutions, government agencies, and non-profit organizations to collect comprehensive and diverse datasets.
- Data Visualization and Insights: Design intuitive and interactive visualizations to present the data in a user-friendly manner. Create visual representations of mental health accessibility, mental well-being indicators, and disparities in access to psychiatric support. Incorporate geospatial mapping to highlight regional differences. Enable users to filter data based on location, demographics, mental health indicators, or treatment options. Implement analytical models and algorithms to derive meaningful insights from the data. Develop predictive models to identify potential risk factors for mental health issues and suggest appropriate interventions.
- Collaboration and Community Engagement: Provide a platform for mental health professionals, policymakers, researchers, and individuals to collaborate, share best practices, and contribute to improving mental health outcomes. Foster a community-driven approach to address the challenges of mental well-being and access to psychiatric support. Ensure the highest standards of data privacy and security throughout the platform. Comply with relevant regulations and guidelines to protect the confidentiality of personal health information.
Organizations in CH Schweizer Verband Die Dargebotene Hand Netzwerk Psychische Gesundheit Schweiz Mental Health working group of Public Health Switzerland Obsan 03/2023 - Psychische Gesundheit, Erhebung Herbst 2022 BFH 11/2023 - Wie steht es um die psychische Gesundheit in der Schweiz?
Open data in CH
BFS - Finanzielle Situation und psychische Gesundheit der Studierenden während der Covid-19-Pandemie im Jahr 2020
BFS - Subjektive Einschätzung des psychischen Wohlbefindens, nach verschiedenen soziodemografischen Merkmalen
BFS - Massnahmenvollzug: Einweisungen, mittlerer Bestand, Aufenthaltstage mit Behandlung von psychischen Störungen (Art. 59 StGB)
BFS - Massnahmenvollzug: mittlerer Insassenbestand mit Behandlung von psychischen Störungen (Art. 59 StGB) nach Geschlecht, Nationalität und Alter
ETH-Bibliothek - Korrespondenzbestand C. G. Jung
Global data
There are currently 205 datasets tagged with 'Mental Disorder' on - The official portal for European data.
The amount and quality of data available to support research into mental health could be increased substantially by doing the following: - Convening stakeholders to highlight the challenges of finding and sharing data and exploring and co-creating solutions - Establishing or adopting existing standards and FAIR principles to make data findable and reusable. - Advocating for open science and open research outside of academia in order to encourage a culture of sharing, collaboration and reuse to limit the number of datasets kept closed. - Explore options for motivating organisations to share data through incentives (financial, social), requirements (policies, regulations) and novel data sharing approaches such as data portals and the establishment of data institutions.
-- The ODI - Discovering open data for mental health research (2023)
We are a partnership of researchers, charities, and industry and lived experience experts funded by the Wellcome Trust. We searched the world for longitudinal datasets with the potential to facilitate transformative mental health research. ... This is the first study to identify longitudinal datasets for mental health from all regions of the world, compiling over 3,000 datasets from 146 countries. It was also completed with astonishing speed. The Landscaping project was commissioned by the Wellcome Trust in September 2022, and by the launch of the report in July 2023, a massive database had been compiled, providing access to valuable longitudinal data for researchers around the world.
-- Landscaping International Longitudinal Datasets (2023)
Now, we collect data on depression from two sources. First, we have data on diagnoses made by doctors. In many countries, doctors inquire about people’s symptoms and how much they correspond to the criteria in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM). They also use tests to rule out medical conditions, such as thyroid disorders, that result in similar symptoms. Second, we have data on the severity of depression. This data is collected from patients and the general population, using many different questionnaires and rating scales. But there are still gaps in our knowledge. Data is lacking especially in many poorer places around the world. Even within high-income countries, people with poorer health or severe depression are much less likely to respond to these community surveys or report their symptoms accurately. If we didn’t take this into account, we would underestimate the prevalence of depression in the population.
-- Dattani et al. Mental Health - Our World in Data
Sample literature
According to the Global Burden of Disease Study, in 2019 approximately 792 million people presented mental health problems, a number that rises to 970 million people if substance use is included. ... The COVID-19 pandemic led to a global increase of mental health problems, particularly stress, depressive and anxious symptoms, suggesting an increased need for mental health assessment as well as the provision of services and efficacious interventional programmes.
-- Depression Literacy questionnaire, Campos et al. BMC Psychiatry (2022)
An estimated 4.05% of the global population has an anxiety disorder, translating to 301 million people. The number of persons affected has increased by more than 55% from 1990 to 2019. ... The prevalence is higher in high-income regions. Women are 1.66 times more likely to be affected by anxiety disorders than men. Age-standardized rates have remained stable, indicating the possible stability of risk factors.
-- Epidemiology of anxiety disorders: global burden and sociodemographic associations - Javaid et al. Springer Open (2023) via Descriptive Statistics of MHLq-SVa Dimensions, Cronbach's alpha and McDonald's Omega
[The] diagnosis of depression is currently based on interviews, and clinical scales carried out by professionals, such as psychiatrists and psychologists. The process is not only labor-consuming but also time-consuming. ... As non-invasive physiological data, Electroencephalography (EEG) provides a direct measure of postsynaptic potentials with millisecond temporal resolution. ... And it was discovered that the EEG signals from the right hemisphere are more distinctive in depression than those from the left hemisphere. ... Recordings of spoken language are another non-invasive accessible physiological data. ... The data collection includes three main data parts: Full brain 128-electrodes EEG data, 3-channel resting-state EEG data, and recordings of spoken language.
-- A multi-modal open dataset for mental-disorder analysis, Cai, Yuan, Gao et al. Nature (2022)
Emerging studies leverage large datasets of the internet to investigate seasonality in mental problems in the population. Key words that searched for various mental illness on Google over a period of 5 years, showed peaks in winter in both northern and southern hemispheres. Across the globe, seasonal rhythms in mood are also seen from social media posts and associated with changes in daylength.
-- Seasonality of brain function: role in psychiatric disorders. Rui Zhang, Nora D. Volkow. Translational Psychiatry (2023)
There is a need to advance our understanding of information needs in people with depression and anxiety. It is also important to identify sources of information that these individuals have used as well as their preferences for the formats of information delivery. This improved understanding will enable more patient-centred mental health care that addresses important information needs in this population and will allow for more effective health communication strategies.
-- Information needs and sources of information among people with depression and anxiety: a scoping review. Chan et al. BMC Psychiatry (2022)
Another avenue for future research is to examine the factors that influence individuals to participate in either peer-led or expert-led communities and the perceived differences between these types of communities. Furthermore, gaining insight into the mechanisms underlying the potential positive outcomes associated with participation in expert-led Online communities for mental health (OCMHs) can contribute to enhancing the quality of peer-led communities and fostering improved regulation within these virtual spaces.
-- Buffering against exposure to mental health misinformation in online communities on Facebook: the interplay of depression literacy and expert moderation, Bizzotto et al. BMC Public Health (2023)
Inspired by
Mayo Clinic - Mental health and the holidays: Seasonal depression
Psychology Today - Minding Your Mental Health This Holiday Season

#ODAdvent #21
Dispose of your Christmas tree sustainably
Aus den als Open Data-verfügbaren Meldungen von #ZueriWieNeu ist ersichtlich, dass einige versuchen 🎄🎄🎄 'unsachgerecht' zu entsorgen. Unnötig, denn im Januar werden Christbäume an Abfuhrtagen des Hauskehrichts der jeweiligen Postleitzahl von @Entsorgung + Recycling Zürich kostenlos abgeholt. Und so gehts richtig: Schmuck entfernen, Baum auf 1,5 m verkleinern, zusammenbinden und am Abfuhrtag für Hauskehricht gut sichtbar neben den Züri-Sack-Container stellen.
D'après les messages de #ZueriWieNeu disponibles en open data, on peut voir que certains essaient de se débarrasser les 🎄🎄 'de manière inappropriée'. Inutile, car en janvier, les arbres de Noël sont collectés gratuitement par @Enlèvement + Recyclage Zurich les jours de ramassage des ordures ménagères du code postal concerné. Voici comment faire : enlever les décorations, réduire l'arbre à 1,5 m, l'attacher et le placer bien en vue à côté du conteneur Züri-Sack le jour de la collecte des ordures ménagères.
- Dates du calendrier d'élimination des déchets en open data
- Plus d'infos sur l'élimination correcte des sapins de Noël
I messaggi di #ZueriWieNeu, disponibili come dati aperti, mostrano che alcune persone cercano di smaltire 🎄🎄🎄 "impropriamente". Inutile, perché a gennaio gli alberi di Natale vengono raccolti gratuitamente da @Entsorgung + Recycling Zürich nei giorni di raccolta dei rifiuti domestici nel rispettivo codice postale. E questo è il modo giusto per farlo: rimuovi le decorazioni, riduci l'albero a 1,5 metri, legalo e mettilo in una posizione ben visibile accanto al contenitore Züri-Sack nel giorno di raccolta dei rifiuti domestici.
- Date del calendario di smaltimento dei rifiuti come dati aperti
- Ulteriori informazioni sul corretto smaltimento degli alberi di Natale
The messages from #ZueriWieNeu, which are available as open data, show that some people try to dispose of 🎄🎄🎄 'improperly'. Unnecessary, because in January Christmas trees are collected free of charge by @Entsorgung + Recycling Zürich on household waste collection days in the respective postcode. And this is the right way to do it: remove the decorations, reduce the tree to 1.5 metres, tie it up and place it in a clearly visible position next to the Züri-Sack container on the collection day for household waste.
- Dates of the waste disposal calendar as open data
- Further information on the proper disposal of Christmas trees
Learn more
If you would like to have this information handily on your iPhone / Android smartphone, check out the official «Entsorgung + Recycling Zürich»-App from the City.
♻️ Sustainability tip: consider renting your Christmas Tree next year at BachserMärt 🌲🤍 (thanks Fabian)
The article Tagblatt Zürich - Wie entsorge ich meinen Christbaum? has more tips for you, as well as this interesting info:
"Until two years ago, the Christmas trees were collected as organic waste and ended up as compost in the farmers' fields. However, because some of the trees were chemically treated and often contained residues of artificial wax and tinsel, we stopped doing this. Now the trees are thermally utilised at the Hagenholz waste-to-energy plant. This has several advantages: On the one hand, environmentally harmful substances are neutralised by cleaning the flue gases. On the other hand, two thirds of the heat generated by the incineration process is CO2-neutral. It is fed into the city's district heating network, which uses it to heat Zurich North."
If you are wondering where all these Christmas trees are coming from, learn more about Land use data in Zürich and find a Data Package and some visualizations here:
Do you know where the tradition of putting up and decorating Christmas trees comes from? and Encyclopaedia Britannica have a quick overview, while you'll find the full geek version on Wikipedia: Christmas tree.
Book illustration (1888) - Internet Archive Book Images via Wikimedia Commons

#ODAdvent #22
Jump into OGD with starter codes from Thurgau
Viele Daten, aber keine Erfahrung mit Datenanalyse? Kein Problem! 🌐✨ Die Starter Codes von @ogd_tg machen den Einstieg in die Datenanalyse zum Kinderspiel. 📊💻 Jetzt in die Welt der Thurgau Open Government Data eintauchen! 🚀🔍
Beaucoup de données mais pas d'expérience en analyse de données? Pas de problème ! 🌐✨ Les codes de démarrage de @ogd_tg font de l'analyse de données un jeu d'enfant. 📊💻 Plonge-toi dès maintenant dans le monde de Thurgau Open Government Data ! 🚀🔍
Tanti dati, ma nessuna esperienza nell'analisi dei dati - nessun problema! 🌐✨ I codici di partenza di @ogd_tg rendono l'analisi dei dati un gioco da ragazzi. 📊💻 Immergiti subito nel mondo degli Open Government Data della Turgovia! 🚀🔍
Lots of data, but no experience with data analysis - no problem! 🌐✨ The starter codes from @ogd_tg make getting started with data analysis child's play. 📊💻 Immerse yourself in the world of Thurgau Open Government Data now! 🚀🔍
At the beginning of December, we featured new datasets from Thurgau - perfect for trying out with the starter!
Cover image generated using Stability Diffusion 1.0 XL and GIMP
Starter code for all OGD datasets of the Canton of Thurgau
Taking inspiration from the Statistical Office of Canton Zurich, we are thrilled to present you with our own collection of starter code for all our datasets on our OGD-platform These comprehensive Jupyter Notebooks, available for both R and Python, serve as your gateway to the captivating world of Open Government Data (OGD) in Canton Thurgau. For RMarkdown user, we also provide everything within RMarkdown. There you even can access all of our geodata.
Our aim with this starter code is to simplify your data utilization experience. By leveraging these resources, not only can you effortlessly access the data through APIs, but you can also explore the wealth of accompanying metadata. Additionally, we provide you with practical techniques and insights to effectively work with the data, igniting inspiration for your next remarkable project.

#ODAdvent #23
Political matters of the Canton of Basel-Stadt
Werden deine Wünsche in Erfüllung gehen? 💫 Nicht vom Weihnachtsmann, sondern von den Politikerinnen und Politikern im Grossen Rat im Kanton Basel-Stadt! 📜 Schau dir hier die Geschäfte an
Tes souhaits seront-ils exaucés ? 💫 Pas par le Père Noël, mais par les hommes et femmes politiques du Grand Conseil du canton de Bâle-Ville ! 📜 Regarde les données ici
I tuoi desideri si avvereranno? 💫 Non da Babbo Natale, ma dai politici del Gran Consiglio del Cantone di Basilea Città! 📜 Dai un'occhiata ai negozi qui
Will your wishes come true? 💫 Not from Father Christmas, but from the politicians in the Grand Council of the Canton of Basel-Stadt! 📜 Take a look at the data here

#ODAdvent #24
Take a virtual flight over #Switzerland with swissNAMES3D
Frohe Festtage aus Wienacht-Tobel!🎄 Mit #swissNAMES3D erhalten Sie nicht nur präzise Informationen über unsere geografische Umgebung kostenlos, sondern auch einen virtuellen Flug über die atemberaubenden Landschaften der #Schweiz! Ready for takeoff ✈
Joyeuses fêtes de fin d'année de Wienacht-Tobel!🎄 Avec #swissNAMES3D, vous obtenez gratuitement non seulement des informations précises sur notre environnement géographique, mais aussi un vol virtuel au-dessus des paysages époustouflants de la #Suisse ! Prêt pour le décollage ✈
Buone vacanze da Wienacht-Tobel!🎄 Con #swissNAMES3D non solo si ottengono gratuitamente informazioni precise sul nostro ambiente geografico, ma anche un volo virtuale sui paesaggi mozzafiato della #Svizzera! Pronti al decollo ✈
Happy holidays from Wienacht-Tobel!🎄 With #swissNAMES3D you not only get precise information about our geographical environment for free, but also a virtual flight over the breathtaking landscapes of #Switzerland! Ready for takeoff ✈