Friendly, earnest, awesome people. Thanks for a great year of hackdays and hackathons❣️
In diesem Jahr gab es in der Schweiz mehr Hackathons als je zuvor, mit grossen Auswirkungen auf den Erfolg von Open Government Data im ganzen Land! Hilf uns, die Community bei der Archivierung zu unterstützen: Eine neue Challenge wartet auf hier.
Cette année, il y a eu plus de hackathons que jamais en Suisse, avec de grandes répercussions sur le succès de l'Open Government Data dans tout le pays ! Aide-nous à soutenir la communauté dans l'archivage : Un nouveau défi t'attend ici.
Quest'anno in Svizzera ci sono stati più hackathon che mai, con un grande impatto sul successo degli Open Government Data in tutto il paese! Aiutaci a sostenere la comunità nell'archiviazione: Una nuova sfida ti aspetta qui.
There were more hackathons than ever this year in Switzerland, generating feedback loops and a reuse of Open Government Data - help us to support the community with archival efforts: a fresh Challenge is waiting for you behind today's Advent Calendar door.
As you can see in Google Trends, the topics of Open Data and Hackathons are closely aligned in search queries.
We are exporting the data of our community events to an open data package. Today we are updating it with fresh data from 2023 events. In the GitHub Issues page we are looking for your suggestions for improving this dataset and putting it to use. Some ideas are from an initial meeting with hackathon organizers at Hack:Org:X v.1, e.g.:
- Talking to & BAR about preservation of this dataset on OGD platforms
- Ask some probing data question, like which topics/challenges are more/less sustained
- See which hackathon challenges echo across a series of events ...
A collage of people at this year's hackathons (CC BY 4.0)
The collected results of Hackdays and community sprints.
We are grateful for all the contributions made by our community over the years, and would like to use this dataset to acknowledge the impact of your work.
This is a Data Package created from data exported using the Dribdat API.
Inside the root folder you can find scripts used to generate the data files, and a datapackage.json
used for quality control.
Please check the Issues, leave us any questions there or in our forum.
All contents licensed CC Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International, unless otherwise stated.
Event finish
2023 update Happy holidays! 🎅
Repository updated