

The Open Data Advent is a collaborative effort involving OGD teams around the country. The site is maintained on a volunteer basis by Oleg at - Swiss chapter of Open Knowledge.



Soar in the skies of Swiss open data with a virtual flight c/o swisstopo 🎄🌅 Happy Christmas everyone!

9 months ago

As a bonus, use the Demo link to run the notebooks in Jupyter Lite (Pyodide)

9 months ago

@AndreasThinks on why this Christmas we should be contributing to OpenStreetMap

9 months ago

Spreadsheet Take a survey, seek light at the end of the tunnel of seasonal affective causation.

9 months ago

Chart Put on another sweater, dear 🥶

9 months ago

QGIS Tourism destinations dataset of Bern. What's the bigger picture?

9 months ago

A familiar scene from AirBnB. Can you make something like this with open data?

9 months ago

Chart The trendline and map shows how and where investments in Swiss tourism go.

9 months ago

Friendly, earnest, awesome people. Thanks for a great year of hackdays and hackathons❣️

9 months ago

Prognosis of climate change Klimawandel - MeteoSchweiz

9 months ago

Check out all projects from Open Data Hack St.Gallen!

9 months ago

A screenshot of

9 months ago

The online collection of the 🎠 Spielzeug Welten Museum in Basel, their current and upcoming exhibitions are quite recommended.

9 months ago

On sustainability topics, see the Fair Toys Reports at Solidar Suisse, and shop at Faircustomer or Changemaker 🧸🧸

9 months ago

Our advent calendar is here! The first door will open tomorrow 🎄

10 months ago