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Bald werden wir mehrere freie Tage geniessen, plane sie sorgfältig mit Daten über POIS (Points of Interest). Egal ob du dich entspannen, Sehenswürdigkeiten besichtigen oder einkaufen willst, hier findest du die Daten

Très bientôt, nous profiterons de plusieurs jours de congé, planifie-les soigneusement avec des données sur les POIS (Points of Interest). Que tu veuilles te détendre, visiter des sites touristiques ou faire du shopping, tu trouveras les dates ici: tourismdata.ch

Presto ci godremo diversi giorni di vacanza, pianificali con attenzione grazie ai dati sui POIS (Punti di Interesse). Che tu voglia rilassarti, visitare la città o fare shopping, qui troverai le date giuste tourismdata.ch

Soon we will be enjoying several days off, plan them carefully with data on POIS (Points of Interest). Whether you want to relax, sightsee or shop, you'll find the data here: tourismdata.ch

Besides open datasets, you can find ongoing analytics projects on the portal:


The trendline and map from the Dashboard of Economic Key Figures shows how and where investments in Swiss tourism go.


The Supplementary Accommodation Statistics visualize BFS data to show how the Swiss regions differ in occupancy rates. Can you imagine how much life in Swiss villages has changed over the past 100 years due to the influx of tourism?

Adelboden, Pfasshaus und Kirche - Swiss National Library, GS-GUGE-WEIBEL-D-4 (Public Domain) via Wikimedia Commons

Event finish

QGIS Tourism destinations dataset of Bern. What's the bigger picture?

17.12.2023 11:58 ~ loleg

A familiar scene from AirBnB. Can you make something like this with open data?

17.12.2023 11:35 ~ loleg

Chart The trendline and map shows how and where investments in Swiss tourism go.

17.12.2023 11:18 ~ loleg
