
Dispose of your Christmas tree sustainably

#ODAdvent #21

Aus den als Open Data-verfügbaren Meldungen von #ZueriWieNeu ist ersichtlich, dass einige versuchen 🎄🎄🎄 'unsachgerecht' zu entsorgen. Unnötig, denn im Januar werden Christbäume an Abfuhrtagen des Hauskehrichts der jeweiligen Postleitzahl von @Entsorgung + Recycling Zürich kostenlos abgeholt. Und so gehts richtig: Schmuck entfernen, Baum auf 1,5 m verkleinern, zusammenbinden und am Abfuhrtag für Hauskehricht gut sichtbar neben den Züri-Sack-Container stellen.

D'après les messages de #ZueriWieNeu disponibles en open data, on peut voir que certains essaient de se débarrasser les 🎄🎄 'de manière inappropriée'. Inutile, car en janvier, les arbres de Noël sont collectés gratuitement par @Enlèvement + Recyclage Zurich les jours de ramassage des ordures ménagères du code postal concerné. Voici comment faire : enlever les décorations, réduire l'arbre à 1,5 m, l'attacher et le placer bien en vue à côté du conteneur Züri-Sack le jour de la collecte des ordures ménagères.

I messaggi di #ZueriWieNeu, disponibili come dati aperti, mostrano che alcune persone cercano di smaltire 🎄🎄🎄 "impropriamente". Inutile, perché a gennaio gli alberi di Natale vengono raccolti gratuitamente da @Entsorgung + Recycling Zürich nei giorni di raccolta dei rifiuti domestici nel rispettivo codice postale. E questo è il modo giusto per farlo: rimuovi le decorazioni, riduci l'albero a 1,5 metri, legalo e mettilo in una posizione ben visibile accanto al contenitore Züri-Sack nel giorno di raccolta dei rifiuti domestici.

The messages from #ZueriWieNeu, which are available as open data, show that some people try to dispose of 🎄🎄🎄 'improperly'. Unnecessary, because in January Christmas trees are collected free of charge by @Entsorgung + Recycling Zürich on household waste collection days in the respective postcode. And this is the right way to do it: remove the decorations, reduce the tree to 1.5 metres, tie it up and place it in a clearly visible position next to the Züri-Sack container on the collection day for household waste.

Learn more

If you would like to have this information handily on your iPhone / Android smartphone, check out the official «Entsorgung + Recycling Zürich»-App from the City.

♻️ Sustainability tip: consider renting your Christmas Tree next year at BachserMärt 🌲🤍 (thanks Fabian)

The article Tagblatt Zürich - Wie entsorge ich meinen Christbaum? has more tips for you, as well as this interesting info:

"Until two years ago, the Christmas trees were collected as organic waste and ended up as compost in the farmers' fields. However, because some of the trees were chemically treated and often contained residues of artificial wax and tinsel, we stopped doing this. Now the trees are thermally utilised at the Hagenholz waste-to-energy plant. This has several advantages: On the one hand, environmentally harmful substances are neutralised by cleaning the flue gases. On the other hand, two thirds of the heat generated by the incineration process is CO2-neutral. It is fed into the city's district heating network, which uses it to heat Zurich North."


If you are wondering where all these Christmas trees are coming from, learn more about Land use data in Zürich and find a Data Package and some visualizations here:


Do you know where the tradition of putting up and decorating Christmas trees comes from? Transparent.com and Encyclopaedia Britannica have a quick overview, while you'll find the full geek version on Wikipedia: Christmas tree.

Book illustration (1888) - Internet Archive Book Images via Wikimedia Commons

Edited (version 9)

11.01.2024 09:54 ~ loleg

Event finish
