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Guidelines for Open Government Data in Switzerland

#ODAdvent #5

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Ein Grund zum Feiern: Der Masterplan OGD 2024-2027 wurde verabschiedet! Er definiert 5 Leitlinien für Open Government Data in 🇨🇭: Verfügbarkeit, Qualität der (Metadaten), Infrastruktur, Synergien zwischen Bereichen und Austausch zwischen Anbietern und Nutzern von OGD.

Une raison de se réjouir : le plan directeur OGD 2024-2027 a été adopté ! Il définit 5 lignes directrices pour l'Open Government Data dans 🇨🇭 : la disponibilité, la qualité de (métadonnées), l'infrastructure, les synergies entre les domaines et les échanges entre les fournisseurs et les utilisateurs d'OGD.

Un motivo per festeggiare: il Masterplan OGD 2024-2027 è stato adottato! Il Plan definisce 5 linee guida per gli Open Government Data in 🇨🇭: disponibilità, qualità dei (metadati), infrastrutture, sinergie tra aree e scambio tra fornitori e utenti di OGD.

A reason to celebrate: the OGD Masterplan 2024-2027 has been adopted! It defines 5 guidelines for Open Government Data in 🇨🇭: availability, quality of (metadata), infrastructure, synergies between areas and exchange between providers and users of OGD.

The document is available from BFS in German and in French. You can also read the English and Italian press releases of the Federal Council, and get an English machine translation (DeepL Pro) here.

See also the Evaluation of the Open-Government-Data-Strategy 2019–2023 auf Deutsch / en Français, which mentions the role the OGD community, and associations like Opendata.ch, are playing in the development of open data in Switzerland. A summary workshop was presented at this year's Opendata.ch/2023 Forum.

Thumbnail of the Masterplan document Thumbnail of the Evaluation document

🎉 Celebrate, and send in your critical observations and questions at forum.opendata.ch