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Find SBB properties all over Switzerland, take a short quiz

#ODAdvent #2

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Die SBB hat in der ganzen Schweiz Grundstücke. Auf unsere Karte findest du sie alle.

Les CFF ont des terrains dans toute la Suisse. Tu les trouveras tous sur notre carte.

Le FFS hanno proprietà in tutta la Svizzera. Puoi trovarle tutte sulla nostra mappa.

SBB has properties all over Switzerland. You can find them all on our map.


Can you switch to the satellite map and spot these areas?

This lake is the largest single property by area. Can you find it in the data?

This one, at over 13 km, is the longest ......... (hint: the answer's in the name!)

The SBB owns the land this house is on, but it's not in Switzerland! (Photo: CC BY-SA 4.0 NAC - Wikipedia)

See also SBB Immobilien and SBB History.